As someone who has been mildly overweight all their life, I understand the need for motivation when it comes to
weight loss. It is so hard to get motivated. Most time we make excuses for not starting today or we are just lazy about actually doing it. Well if you are tired of making excuses and tired of being overweight here are some ways to pump yourself up and finally make that change to start changing your life. Remember change is easy if you are receptive to it.
People use all sorts of things to motivate themselves. If you are ready to start changing your life for real, start by writing out your goals. How much weight do you want to lose? Set your time frame for losing the weight. It is impossible to think that you will lose all your weight in a week or even a month. Quick weigh loss usually leads to putting the pounds back on. Set a goal for how much weight you want to lose each week. For men a good goal is to lose 3-5 lbs per week and for women a good goal is to lose 2-4 lbs a week.
You have always heard the expression you are what you eat. It is true! Everything you put in your mouth adds to your weight. That is why it is important to start your plan with nutrition. Exercise is important but you won't go anywhere just by exercising. You need to change your eating habits too. Start by setting your calories per day. If you normally take in 3000 calories per day set your calories per day to 1500. You will instantly start to notice a change.
Track yourself, write down everything you eat in a day. This will show you where your downfalls are. Think about what you eat before you eat it. How many calories are in this bagel, ice cream, cheeseburger? That is not to say that you can't have that ice cream or piece of cake but make a sacrifice. If you want to have that after dinner dessert make sure you eat properly through out the day so you don't go over calories. Supplement your normal snack foods with fruits and vegetables. The sugar and carbs in fruits and vegetables are more easily digested by the body due to the fact that they are not processed foods with additives. Our bodies are more receptive to these types of foods plus we need the nutrients from them.
Change your eating patterns. If you normally eat 3 large meals a day, break it up into 5-6 small snacks a day. This will boost your metabolism to continually work through out the day. The rule is to eat something every 2-3 hours. Plus you need to continually replenish your water throughout the day. The human body is made up of 60-70% water. Water is required for most of your body's functioning. So instead of drinking that soda, drink an 8 oz glass of water. You won't waste your calories on a soda, plus you won't get that sugar rush and your body will thank you by making you feel better.
Once you start to notice a difference in your body and you feel better, you will be more motivated to continue. Now you can start to add in your exercise. Exercise is a stress on the body but it is a good stress. It works the muscles, releases endorphins to the brain, and burns fat/calories. If you have a busy lifestyle you will need to make time. Set up a schedule and make sure you stick to it. Even if it is walking for a 1/2 each day or doing 10 situps and 10 push ups in the morning when you wake up.
One thing to remember when you are making changes to your eating habits. Always make sure you are supplementing your vitamins and minerals. A lot of our vitamins can be made in the body and usually the rest comes from our food. However, taking a good multivitamin or super food will ensure that your body is continuing to receive all its nutrients even if you don't take in enough through your food. The other requirement is to make sure that you are getting enough omega fatty acids. This will ensure proper cell reparation and cell growth.
If you have concerns about weight lose or want more information on natural weight loss contact your local nutritionist.
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