Everyone is cutting corners these days, trying to save that extra dollar. However, its hard to know where to cut corners or how to save when it comes to something so essential as food. You don't have to change your diet or when you eat. Just use some more thoughtful planning when doing your weekly or monthly grocery shopping. This will allow you to spend less on groceries but still eat all of those same meals you love to cook and eat!
Tip #1. Shop Alone
Most of the time mom is the grocery shopper in the house. Moms try to find alone time to shop. This leaves less room for kids to sneak things into the cart when your not looking which can cause the total cost of your groceries to rise when your at the register. Plus if they aren't there they can't coerce you into buying junk food!
Tip #2. Stop buying single serving items
Now that your are by yourself you can cut out all those extra kid-friendly, single-serving foods that are so convenient. You know what I'm talking about. For kids its the pre-packaged chips, cookies and crackers that you send in their lunches. For adults its the single serving chips, candy or soda that they conveniently place right next to the register. You pay more for that one serving than you would if you bought the regular size package. Think about it. You are usually paying more for a 16oz soda than you are a 2 liter for example. The same goes for chips, cookies, and junk food. Think about the money you could be saving if you purchased the regular size package. In addition, you can re-package these items in zip lock bags or Tupperware containers for on-the-go servings or left overs. This is also a way of using portion control because people tend to overeat from the regular package of cookies, chips or junk food.
Tip #3 & 4. Buy What you Need & Don't Over Purchase
These two tips go hand in hand. The best thing to do before you go to the store is to plan ahead. Make a list throughout the week of items you need to purchase when you go to the store that way you don't get stuck wondering what you need to buy. Another way is to plan your meals a week in advance. This way you know exactly what you need to buy for each meal and you won't have to say that oh so infamous line " What do you want for dinner?"
Once at the store you cross each item off your list once you've picked it up. But be sure you actually make the list ahead of time because trying to remember a long list of grocery items in your head is impossible, your bound to forget one or two items that are crucial. Plus you are more apt to add items to your basket that weren't originally on your list. This can cause you to over purchase. Grocery stores have sales, specials and coupons for a reason. To entice the customer to purchase products that they were not originally going to purchase. When there are discounts we tend to over purchase. BE AWARE of specials. Although sales save you money on that specific product, limit yourself on how many you purchase. It is not always necessary to stock up on sale items because grocery stores have periodic sales on specific items throughout the year. Plus purchasing a surplus of sales items can be a waste if the item expires before you actually have a chance to use it.
Tip #5. Go Large with Meats
When buying cuts of meat you will get better prices when buy larger quantities. Ground meat in family size packages is usually cheaper and can be repackaged in the freezer to be used at a later time. Stock up on meat specials and freeze the unused cuts. Investing in a second freezer maybe a good option.
Tip #6. Coupons
Using coupons at the store can actually save you decent money at the grocery store. Cutting coupons used to be just for grandma but now a days everyone is doing it. With the internet the are quicker and easier ways to get coupons as well. Go to any search engine and type in grocery coupons and there will be multiple links to free coupons to print off. Also check out the daily paper for additional savings. Wednesday papers typically have the supermarket sales advertisement, but every paper is different.
Tip #7. Local Fresh Fruit & Vegetables
Living in Florida allows for fresh fruits and vegetables on a yearly basis, but depending on the season and the location can determine where you can buy locally. Buying fresh fruit and vegetables is not only a money saver you will actually get more product for your dollar. Here in Florida there are produce stands all over the place and the fruits and vegetables are delicious and cheap. We can buy triple the amount of produce than we could at the store. Plus this encourages local farmers.
Tip #8. Generic or Discount shopping
Going generic brand or discount store shopping is not necessarily worse off. Although a generic brand may not have a great name normally it is identical or similar to the name brand product. The cost can be as much as 30% less than the name brand.
Discount stores such as the Dollar store or Big Lots offer cut-price grocery items which are cheaper than the supermarket.
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